Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Deerfield River - from Zoar MA to Charlemont MA

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in below Zoar Gap at Zoar
  Road in Charlemont MA.
Take out at Main Street / Route 2
  in Charlemont MA.
Estimated distance
  = 4 miles
Caution: Class I-II rapids
  on this route
Zoar Gap -
  Class III rapids
  Alternate put in at River Road
  in Drury MA.
Runnable 2 hours after dam
  releases at least 700 cfs.
Shunpike Rest
Mohawk Trail
  State Forest
Zoar Outdoors

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Deerfield River - from Zoar MA to Charlemont MA

Other resources:
Deerfield River Watershed Association: Recreation
Waterline: Deerfield River at Fife Brook Dam Water Release Info
Zoar Outdoor kayak rentals and lessons
Zoar Outdoor: Deerfield River Rapids at a Glance
Mass. Dept of Conservation: Mohawk Trail State Forest
Mass. Dept of Conservation: Mohawk Trail State Forest Map
Mass. Dept of Conservation: Mohawk Trail State Forest Map (cached copy)
Wikipedia: Deerfield River