Kayaking on Presumpscot River
- in Gorham ME
- The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.
Put in at Dundee Road below
dam in Gorham ME.
Take out at Partridge Lane
in Gorham ME.
Estimated distance
= 2+ miles
Babbs Covered
Shaw Park - kayak
rentals available
"Presumpscot" means river
with "many rough places".
Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.
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Number of original photos on this page : 13
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Dundee Dam at Dundee Road in Gorham ME.
Pictures taken July 2017.
Below the Dundee Dam is the put in to the Presumpscot River.
Looking downstream on Presumpscot River.
The put in to Presumpscot River below Dundee Dam.
Midway on this route is the Babbs Covered Bridge.
Kayakers on Presumpscot River viewed from the covered bridge.
Now at the take out at Shaw Park on Partridge Lane in Gorham ME.
Shaw Park.
Behind the baseball field at Shaw Park is the public access to Presumpscot River.
The takeout from Presumpscot River at Shaw Park.
Kayak rentals available.
Looking upstream on Presumpscot River from the takeout.