Kayaking on Nubanusit Lake and Spoonwood Pond
- in Hancock NH
- The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.
Put in at Landing Road
in Hancock NH.
Paddle west to
Spoonwood Pond.
Portage to Spoonwood
Pond around dam.
Paddle around Spoonwood
Pond and return.
Paddle to southwest end of
Nubanusit Lake and return.
Estimated round trip
distance = 7 miles
Can hike on
Cabot Island.
Pond Dam
Nubanusit Lake
Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.
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Other resources:
REI Guidepost: Nubanusit Lake and Spoonwood Pond
NH AMC Quiet Paddling (scroll down the page for "Nubanusit")