Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Magalloway River and Androscoggin River - in Errol NH

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in at Route 16 village of
  Wentworth Location in Errol NH.
Take out Steamer Diamond launch
  on Route 16 in Errol NH.
Estimated distance
  = 10+ miles
  Paddle into Umbagog Lake, then
  into outlet Androscoggin River.
Alternate take out dam at North
  Mountain Pond Road in Errol NH.
Umbagog NWR
  Visitor Center

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Magalloway River and Androscoggin River - in Errol NH

Other resources: Magalloway River Kayak Trip Report 1 Magalloway River Kayak Trip Report 2
Androscoggin River Watershed Council (will open in new window)
Androscoggin River Watershed Council: Northwoods Map
Androscoggin River Watershed Council: Northwoods Map (cached copy)
Androscoggin River Watershed Council: Northwoods River Access Descriptions
Androscoggin River Watershed Council: Northwoods River Access Descriptions (cached copy)

Number of original photos on this page : 24
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

At the Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Visitor Center site of the launch to the Magalloway River on Route 16 in Errol NH.

The path to the kayak launch to the Magalloway is just east of the Visitor Center.

The path to the Magalloway River put in.

Magalloway River looking upriver from the launch.

Behind the Visitor Center is a staircase and pontoon on the Magalloway River.

Magalloway River looking downstream from the pontoon.

At the Steamer Diamond Boat Launch kiosk on Route 16 in Errol NH.

The Steamer Diamond launch to the Androscoggin River.

The Androscoggin River looking to my left from the Steamer Diamond launch.

Androscoggin River seen from Route 16.

The unpaved North Mountain Pond Road enroute to the Androscoggin River access.

At the alternate take out at Androscoggin River on North Mountain Pond Road in Errol NH.

The launch area to the Androscoggin River access at North Mountain Pond Road in Errol NH.

The Androscoggin River ramp at North Mountain Pond Road in Errol NH.

Red buoys marking off the dam area.

Androscoggin River viewed from the pontoon.

Very big sign warning all boaters of the dam intake.

View of the North Mountain Pond Road take out area seen from Route 16.

Errol Dam on the Androscoggin River in Errol NH viewed from Route 16.