Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Magalloway River - from Errol ME to Errol NH

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in at Bennett Road off
  Route 16 bridge in Errol ME.
Take out at NWR office
  on Route 16 in Errol NH.
Estimated distance
  = 9+ miles
Aziscohos Lake
  Umbagog National Wildlife
  Refuge (NWR) Visitor Center
Alternate take out at
  Route 16 in Errol NH.
Bennett Covered
Umbagog National
  Wildlife Refuge (NWR)

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Magalloway River - from Errol ME to Errol NH

Other resources: Magalloway River Kayak Trip Report 1 Magalloway River Kayak Trip Report 2

Number of original photos on this page : 18
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

On Route 16 in Errol ME. Pictures taken September 2013.

The Magalloway River launch on Bennett Road off Route 16 in Errol ME.

The Route 16 bridge crossing over the Magalloway River in Errol ME.

A fisherman wading into the Magalloway River looking downstream from put in.

The Bennet Covered Bridge over the Magalloway River.

Sign on covered bridge says "BENNET-BEAN 1898".

Close to the covered bridge is a campsite along the Magalloway River.

The road marker on Route 16 in Errol NH for the canoe access to Magalloway River.
This take out is designated in the map as the stop2 alternate take out.

Parking lot at the launch.

Short portage to the water from the loading/unloading area.

Pontoon and ramp on Magalloway River.

Looking downriver on Magalloway River from the pontoon.

Now looking upriver from the pontoon.

Farther south on Route 16 is the Umbabog National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Visitor Center.
Access to the Magalloway River is next to this center.

The take out from Magalloway River next to the NWR Visitor Center.