Kayaking on Kennebunk River
- in Kennebunkport ME
- The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.
Put in at Old Grist Mill on Mill Lane
in Kennebunkport ME.
Paddle upriver to rail
bridge and return.
Estimated round trip
distance = 8 miles
Costal Main Kayak
- rentals and tours
Best to start trip 2 to 3 hours
before high tide.
Must park in a nearby
town parking lot.
Shoppers Village
Shopping Center
Kennebunkport Marina
- kayak rentals
Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.
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Other resources:
Kayaking on the Kennebunk River – Then and Now
Kennebunk Idyll: First Paddle Of The Year
Coastal Maine Kayak and guided tours
Kennebunkport Marina kayak rentals
US Harbors: Tides on Kennebunkport ME
Kayak Excursions rentals
Kayak Excursions: Kennebunk River