Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Second Connecticut Lake - in Pittsburg NH

Rating: Two-and-a-Half Stars - This is a medium-sized heart-shaped lake. Almost pristine except for the two houses on the western shore. Autumn colors are just past its peak colors when I kayaked. It was very windy and the waters are choppy and just decided to paddle to the northwest corner, to the Connecticut River inlet (too shallow) and then back. There is the eastern inlet that I could have explored but did not.

  Put in at Idlewilde Road
  in Pittsburg NH.
Paddle around lake
  and return.
Estimated distance
  = 4 to 6 miles
Second Connecticut
  Lake Dam
  Class IV to V rapids
  below dam.
Water will be choppy
  on windy days.
Possible to explore
  East Inlet.
Islands not shown
  in map.

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Second Connecticut Lake - in Pittsburg NH

Other resources:
Connecticut River Paddlers' Trail
Connecticut River Joint Commissions: Map 1 Connecticut Lakes webpage
Connecticut River Joint Commissions: Map 1 Connecticut Lakes map
Connecticut River Joint Commissions: Map 1 Connecticut Lakes map (cached copy) Connecticut Lakes Kayak Trip Report

Number of original photos on this page : 51
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

Coming from the south on Route 3, the dam of the Second Connecticut Lake.
Trip date is September 2013.

There is the Connecticut River flowing out of the Second Connecticut Lake Dam.

Second Connecticut Lake viewed from the dam.

The sign on Route 3 marking the entrance to the Second Connecticut Lake launch.

Nice foliage colors.

The launch area.

The Boston Kayaker ready to launch on the Second Connecticut Lake in Pittsburg NH.

Just launched. Cold and very windy.

Heading to my left, will paddle northwards and keep close to the western shore.

Choppy waters.

Nice rocky shores.

Continuing northwards.

I landed on the northwest corner of Second Connecticut Lake to take a break.

Looking eastwards.

Looking southwards.

Back on the waters of the Second Connecticut Lake.

I am paddling eastwards to check out the Connecticut River inlet.

It is too shallow here and I am getting stuck in some areas.

There is the Connecticut River entering the Second Connecticut Lake.
Water level to shallow for me to approach this inlet.

I turned around and now facing southwards.

Now on my way back and paddling south to where I launched.

I am paddling south westerly so I can be near the western shore.

I can see the roofs of two houses on the western shore of the Second Connecticut Lake.

Looking to my left, the eastern shore of the Second Connecticut Lake.

After I bend to the right, I should see the launch area.

I can see my truck and the launch area.
