Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Conway Lake - in Conway NH

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in at Potter Road
  in Conway NH.
Take out at Mill Street
  in Conway NH.
Estimated distance
  = 4.3 miles
Conway Lake
  Saco Bound Canoe
  & Kayak Rentals
Can be busy with
  powered boats!

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Conway Lake - in Conway NH

Other resources:
Saco Bound Canoe and Kayak Rentals (will open in new tab)
Cove Camping Area on Conway Lake
REI Guidepost: Conway Lake
Town of Conway NH: Conway Beach

Number of original photos on this page : 3
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

Conway Lake from Mill Street on the bridge over the dam.
Picture taken December 2012 during a snowstorm.

The launch and beach area.

Conway Lake Dam.