Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Concord River - in Lowell MA

Rating: One-and-a-Half Stars - This was a pleasant paddle trip. Padling time is 2 hours and 24 minutes. It was always a satisfactory paddle whenever I reached a natural end point (the Middlesex Falls) to mark my turn around on a round trip. It was a cloudy morning so the pictures are not as cheery and sunny.

  Put in at Lawrence Street
  in Lowell MA.
Paddle upriver
  and return.
Estimated round trip
  distance = 7+ miles
Middlesex Canal

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Concord River - in Lowell MA

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Concord River Kayak Trip Report

Number of original photos on this page : 81
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

At the launch area to Concord River on Lawrence Street in Lowell MA.

The Boston Kayaker just launched on Concord River.

Paddling south upriver to Middlesex Falls.

Rail bridge.

After passing under the rail bridge, the I-495 bridges come into view.

The Middlesex Falls.

I turned around and now paddling north downriver.

The I-495 bridges coming up.

The rail bridge.

That railbridge marks my take out spot on right.

Weather was very conformtable with temperature in the 70s F.