Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Cocheco River and Piscataqua River - in Dover NH

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in at Henry Law Park on
  River Road in Dover NH.
Cocheco and Salmon Falls
  join to form Piscataqua.
Take out at Hilton Park on
  Hilton Drive in Dover NH.
Estimated distance
  = 8+ miles
Time trip when tide is
  high AND receding.

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Cocheco River and Piscataqua River - in Dover NH

Other resources:
US Harbor Tides: Dover Point Tides Schdedule
NT Govt: Cocheco River Environmental Fact Sheet
NT Govt: Cocheco River Environmental Fact Sheet (cached copy)
Cocheco River Watershed Coalition: Cocheco River Nomination

Excerpt from the Cocheco River Nomination
Cocheco Road Bridge - Farmington
The first navigable reach of the river starts where the Cocheco Road crosses the river in Farmington and where there is a well-marked canoe launch. For 6.5 miles downstream the water level fluctuates with the season and varies from barely navigable in the dry months to swift current and rapids at high flow. There can be obstacles such as fallen trees and beaver dams amid the rural landscape and beautiful seasonal scenery.
Little Falls Road Bridge - Rochester
The public right of way along Little Falls Road in Rochester serves as a takeout for canoeing the upstream reach of the river beginning at the Cocheco Road Bridge in Farmington. This location also serves as the put-in for paddling upstream toward Farmington or downstream into Rochester. About 200 yards downstream from this access is Little Falls, which may require a short portage. From Little Falls it is an easy paddle downstream to Hanson Pines Park through the rural riparian backyards of Rochester.
Hanson Pines Park - Rochester
Also called Dominicus Hanson Park, this natural area reaches a half mile along the banks of the river in the heart of Rochester fringed by tall pines in this managed, mature forest. Long ago this section of the river was channeled and dammed for the mills downstream. Recreational features include footpaths, picnic tables and benches throughout the park. A footbridge crossing the river to Dewey Street makes a fine vantage point for wildlife and scenic viewing. Alongside the bridge is a convenient location to put in a canoe or end a canoe trip upstream from Farmington or Little Falls.
Ironwood Park - Gonic
Ironwood Park in Gonic, a small wooded picnic area at the end of England Road on the north bank of the river, provides a good launch for a canoe or kayak. From this point is a scenic downstream paddle to the confluence of the Cocheco and Isinglass Rivers, and then on down the Cocheco River.
Cocheco River - Dover
The river through Dover provides for excellent flatwater canoeing and kayaking under varying landscapes. The upper section has five miles of largely undeveloped winding riverfront. The middle section flows through the heart of Dover with “backdoor” views of the city not visible elsewhere.