Kayaking on Androscoggin Lake
- in Wayne ME
- The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.
Put in at town ramp on Main St.
/ Route 133 in Wayne ME.
Paddle around lake
and return.
Estimated round trip distance
= 8 to 10 miles
Dead River
Can picnic on
Norris Island.
Yatch Club
Pocasset Lake is
private property.
Bracket-Longley Rare
Plant Habitat
Can beach and hike on
Perkins Woods Preserve
Dead River
Delta Marsh
Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.
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Other resources:
Localism: Androscoggin Lake is “An Everyday Joy” For Maine Summer Vacation Visitors
LakeLubbers: Androscoggin Lake
Maine Govt: Androscoggin Lake
Androscoggin Yatch Club
Kennebec Land Trust: Norris Island on Androscoggin Lake
Kennebec Land Trust: Androscoggin Lake Map
Kennebec Land Trust: Androscoggin Lake Map (cached copy)