Boston Kayaker

Disclaimer and Terms of Use

No river or stream should be attempted without thoroughly researching what it has to offer. Water levels can profoundly alter a river's character, difficulty, and safety.

The Boston Kayaker makes no representations as to the accuracy or validity of features shown on the maps in this website. In fact, maps on this website do contain inaccuracies and/or errors. These maps are intended for planning purposes only. Information may be changed or updated without notice.

Maps and information provided on this website is provided "as is". There are no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, predictive accuracy, or non-infringement of intellectual property rights. In no event will the Boston Kayaker be liable to you or any other party for any losses or damages including, without limitation, any lost life and property.

By using this website, you accept that you fully understand and acknowledge that outdoor recreational activities have:
  • inherent risks, dangers and hazards exist in the use of Boston Kayaker maps and information
  • kayaking and canoeing activities may result in injury or illness including, but not limited to bodily injury, disease, strains, fractures, partial and/or total paralysis, death or other ailments that could cause serious disability
  • these risks and dangers may be caused by the negligence of the Boston Kayaker webmaster, the negligence of the website users, the negligence of others, accidents, the forces of nature or other causes
  • risks and dangers may arise from foreseeable or unforeseeable causes including, but not limited to, weather, trail or river route location, and water level, risks of falling out of or drowning while in a raft, canoe or kayak and such other risks, hazards and dangers that are integral to recreational activities

    You hereby assume all risks and dangers and all responsibility for any losses and/or damages, whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other conduct of the Boston Kayaker, or its agents, or by any other person. You, on behalf of yourelf, your personal representatives and your heirs hereby voluntarily agree to release, waive, discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify the Boston Kayaker from any and all claims, actions or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services or otherwise which may arise out of your use of the maps and information from this website.

    Although efforts have been made to ensure that all access points shown are open to the public, some may be informal or private. Check with landowners before using an access point if unsure about access rights.