Kayaking on Willimantic River
- and Eagleville Pond from Merrow CT to Coventry CT
- The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.
Put in at Merrow Meadow Park
on Merrow Road in Merrow CT.
Take out before dam on Pine
Lake Drive in Coventry CT.
Estimated distance
= 4.2+ miles
Paddle when gauge
reads > 2.2 feet.
Eagleville Pond Dam.
Do not approach dam!
Alternate take out at
Mansfield side of dam.
Mansfield River Park
Alternate put in.
Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.
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Other resources:
USGS Willimantic River Gauge at Merrow Road, Merrow CT
Last Green Valley: Willimantic River Water Trail Paddle Guide (see pages 10 to 11)
Last Green Valley: Willimantic River Water Trail Paddle Guide (cached copy)
Willimantic River Alliance
Willimantic River Alliance: Paddling on the Willimantic River Guide
Willimantic River Alliance: Merrow Meadow Park
Willimantic River Alliance: Mansfield River Park
Willimantic River Alliance: Eagleville Pond
Willimantic River Alliance: Eagleville Preserve