Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Souhegan River - from Milford NH to Amherst NH

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in at Souhegan
  Road in Milford NH.
Take out at Route 122
  in Amherst NH.
Estimated distance
  = 2.5 miles
Class II rapids under
  Route 101 run on right
Milford Town
Proceed if there is enough
  water at the put in.

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Souhegan River - from Milford NH to Amherst NH

Other resources:
Souhegan Watershed Association: Souhegan River Canoe Guide (see Trip 4)

Excerpts from the Souhegan River Canoe Guide:

Trip 5: Milford to Amherst Canoeport on Rte 122 - 2.5 miles - 1.5 hours
Description: Quickwater up to Class 2
Navigable: High water (spring)
Scenery: Rural
This section is all quickwater similar to Trip 4. Just below Kaley Park the river splits around an island. The left side that was blocked with trees is now open (July 2016). There is a small Class 2 wave beneath the high NH 101 bridge. This drop is best run on the right. Expect to find trees across the river in various places that may require portaging. There are also several trees just beyond the drive-in theatre. Take out on the left just before the Rte 122 bridge, across from the golf course. To drive to the take out, go to the north side of the Rte 122 bridge. There is a “Canoeport” sign and dirt road running parallel to 122 that leads to the parking area.