Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Silver Lake - in Grafton MA

Rating: Half-Star - A small lake, this route can be paddled in less than an hour. There is a beaver dam on the north as you follow the inlet.

  Put in at Upton Street
  / Route 140 in Grafton MA.
Paddle around lake, then north
  upstream to inlet and return.
Estimated round trip
  distance = 1.5 miles
Silver Lake

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Silver Lake - in Grafton MA

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Number of original photos on this page : 46
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Silver Lake Dam. Can be seen from Route 140.

Silver Lake beach when I scouted this lake last May 2012.

This is the free launch site to Silver Lake on Route 140.
Trip date is August 2012.

I launced from Route 140 as I mapped above (to avoid beach fee).

The Boston Kayaker on Silver Lake in Grafton MA.

I paddled initially soutwards.

I can see the public beach on the south end of Silver Lake.

From the south end of Silver Lake looking north.

I am paddling towards the cove on the eastern side of Silver Lake.

Coming out of the eastern cove and facing west, I can see Route 140.

Heading to the northern tail of this lake.

The northern section of Silver Lake is covered with aquatic vegetation.

I am continuing my paddle northwards until . . .

Beaver Dam.

This marks my point of return.

Now paddling south back to were I started.

Route 140 traffic.

Back on land. The paddle trip was less than an hour.