Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Rivière Rouge - "Red River" from Labelle to La Conception in Québec

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in at Rue du Pont
  in Labelle QC.
Take out at Place des Tulipes
  in La Conception QC.
Estimated distance
  = 13+ miles
  Kayak Café
  - rentals & resto
Pause Plein Air
  - kayak rentals

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Rivière Rouge -

Other resources:
Kayak Café - kayak rentals, shuttle and restaurant
Pause Plein Air - kayak rentals
La Municipalité de Labelle

Number of original photos on this page : 13
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

Entering Labelle, Québec from the south on Route 117.
Pictures taken July 2014.

Road sign marking the launch site to the Rivière Rouge at the south west side of the Rue du Pont bridge.

The path to Rivière Rouge put in below Iroquois Falls on the west side of the river.

The launch point on the western bank of Rivière Rouge just below Iroquois Falls.

Rivière Rouge below Iroquois Falls.

The Iroquois Falls (under the bridge) and Rivière Rouge viewed from the eastern bank.

Some information on possible take outs at the Kayak Café rentals on the east bank in Labelle QC.

Now in La Conception, Québec, at the beginning of the Place des Tulipes is the Pause Plein Air.

At the take out area at the end of Place des Tulipes in La Conception QC just south of the Route 117 bridge over Rivière Rouge.

Rivière Rouge take out just below Route 117 bridge.

Looking upriver to the right from the take out is the Route 117 bridge over Rivière Rouge.