Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Glen Rock Reservoir and Queen River - in West Kingston RI

Rating: Two Stars - Nice green lush Queen River. Paddle time was 1 hour 58 minutes.

  Put in at Dugway Bridge Road
  in West Kingston RI.
Paddle upstream on Glen Rock Reservoir
  to Queen River and return.
Estimated round trip
  distance = 3.5+ miles
  Ask permission first from Queen's
  River Kayak rentals to launch.
Queen's River Kayak Company
  / Kenyon's Grist Mill
Glen Rock Reservoir

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Glen Rock Reservoir and Queen River - in West Kingston RI

Other resources:
Queen's River kayak rentals
Kenyon's Grist Mill
The Nature Conservancy: Queen's River Reserve
The Nature Conservancy: Queen's River Reserve Map
The Nature Conservancy: Queen's River Reserve Map (cached copy)
Wikipedia: Queen River

Number of original photos on this page : 116
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

On Old Usquepaugh Road in West Kingston RI next to the Glen Rock Reservoir Dam.
Please do not launch here without permission from the Kenyon's Grist Mill guys.
Public access is at the Dugway Bridge Road.
Trip date is July 2016.

The Boston Kayaker on the banks of Glen Rock Reservoir in West Kingston RI.

Just launched into Glen Rock Reservoir and Queen River.
Today's paddling companion is the Boston Kayaker's daughter.

Milfoil aquatic plants?

To our left is the Kenyon's Grist Mill and kayak rental shop.

Paddling northwards upstream on Glen Rock Reservoir.

The Queen River narrowing upstream.

Water lilies on Queen River.

A blue heron on Queen River.

A couple of kayakers on Queen River.

A turtle on the branch.

Dugway Bridge Road bridge.

On my left, the informal access to Queen River from Dugway Bridge Road in West Kingston RI.

Queen River getting narrower.

The Boston Kayaker's daughter on Queen River.

Another pair of kayakers. They told us there is a tree blocking the river.

Now we hit the tree blocking the river the kayakers told us about.

Turning around.

My daughter turning around.

Now paddling downstream back to where we came from.

Third pair of kayakers we met this trip.

Queen River sharp bend to the right.

Passing under Dugway Bridge.

The public access to Queen River at Dugway Bridge Road.

There is something here at Dugway Bridge Road like a park as there are kayaks on a rack.

Same blue heron we met earlier.

A pair of turtles on Queen River.

Landed. Paddle time is 1 hour 58 minutes (almost 2 hours).

Glen Rock Reservoir Dam.

Kenyon Grist Mill (doubles as Queen's River rental office).