Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on The Oxbow and Manhan River - in Easthampton MA

Rating: Two Stars - Mount Tom towers from the south and is a very backdrop for photos. There are two side trips we had to Manahan River, maybe we got half-mile-plus upriver until we hit trees. The Hulbers Pond is an unattractive swamp filled with aquatic weeds. So one gets to see all these different scenarios. The tree-lined banks of Manahan River, the wide clear waters of the Oxbow Lake with Mount Tom. Then we ventured to the Connecticut River briefly, again totally different scenario. Good Trip. Paddle time was 1 hour 46 minutes.

  Put in at Route 5 in
  Easthampton MA.
Paddle around
  The Oxbow.
Paddle into Manhan
  River and return.
Paddle into Mill
  River and return.
Estimated round trip
  distance = 4.5+ miles
  Arcadia Wildlife

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on The Oxbow and Manhan River - in Easthampton MA

Other resources:
Paul Samson's Kayaking Blog: The Oxbow

Number of original photos on this page : 124
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

At the public ramp to Oxbow Lake and Connecticut River on Route 5 in Easthampton MA.
The lady at left is the Boston Kayaker's wife.
Trip date is October 2017.

We will be on this tandem kayak today.

The Boston Kayaker and wife just launched on Oxbow Lake.
At right is the Route 5 bridge and the Connecticut River, to be paddled another day.

From the launch, we are turning left into Oxbow Lake.

Soon after launch, the I-91 bridges are in sight.

It is getting cloudy.

Passing under the I-91 bridges over the Oxbow Lake.

Now west of I-91.

We are looking for the Manahan River on left.

There will be many boats that will motor by.

Looking right to Oxbow Lake.

Looking left at the shore for the mouth of Manahan River.

I checked this out on left if this is the Manahan River. No.

Pontoon boat on Oxbow Lake.

Continuing to paddle on Oxbow Lake.

I think we found the mouth of the Manahan River.

Now at the mouth of Manahan River.

Paddling into Manahan River.

On Manahan River. Nice!

A lot of submerged trees.

Our way blocked, this is now our point of return.

Just turned around. We are now paddling with the flow on Manahan River.

We have to slide/push over the submerged trees.

Now approaching the mouth of Mahan River as it enters the Oxbow Lake.

Back on Oxbow Lake. At left, the resident ducks.

From the Manahan River, we turned left to continue our paddle on Oxbow Lake.

A private ramp and a gun club on left.

Taking a short beach break.

Back on the waters of the Oxbow Lake.

A couple of kayakers on Oxbow Lake.

A guy with a fish net.

The Old Springfield Road bridge.

Paddling under the Old Springfield Road bridge into Hulberts Pond.

Hulberts Pond.

Hulberts Pond is filled with unattractively aquatic vegetation this time of the year.

At this point, we decided not to proceed and turn around.

Just turned around, paddling back towards Oxbow Lake.

Crossing under the Old Springfield Road bridge to get back to the Oxbow Lake.

Back at Oxbow Lake. Turned left.

Approaching the Oxbow Marina.

Paddling to the other side.

In front is the end of the Oxbow Lake. We can see cars on the I-91.
This is we the point where we turn around.

Just turned around to paddle back.

Mount Tom again.

Airplane over the Oxbow Lake.

Ripples from the boat.

The I-91 bridges ahead. Take out ramp is just after these bridges.

Paddling under the I-91 bridges over the Oxbow Lake.

The ramp is on right before the rail bridge.

At left is a passing pontoon boat on its way to the Connecticut River.

We paddled past the ramp to take a peek at the Connecticut River.

Route 5 bridge ahead.

Now at the Connecticut River looking northwards upriver.

Looking downriver.

After that short peek at the Connecticut River, paddling back to the ramp at Oxow Lake,

Landed. Paddle time is 1 hour 46 minutes.