Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Lake Champlain's Malletts Bay - in Colchester VT

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in at state ramp on Route 127 / West
  Lakeshore Drive in Colchester VT.
Paddle around Malletts
  Bay and return.
Estimated round trip
  distance = 6+ miles
Niquette Bay State
  Park and beach
Marinas on
  Mallets Bay

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Lake Champlain's Malletts Bay - in Colchester VT

Other resources:
VT Govt: Niquette Bay State Park

Number of original photos on this page : 12
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

At the entrance to the Malletts Bay state ramp on Route 127 in Colchester VT.
Pictures taken July 2013.

The Malletts Bay state ramp.

Malletts Bay launch parking lot.

At the Bayside Park on the corner of West Lakeshore Drive and East Lakeshore Drive.

Malletts Bay from Bayside Park in Colchester VT.

The Boston Kayaker's wife on Bayside Park.

In between Bayside Park and the state ramp launch is an alley going downhill to this small area. This is an alternate launch spot if one can find available parking space.