Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Long Pond - in Freetown MA

Rating: Two Stars - I give this lake an extra half-star just for the size. Lake is busy with powered boats and jetskis. Parking fee of $5 (as of 2016) applies. Water was wavy the whole time I was paddling. Paddle time is 2 hours and 40 minutes.

  Put in at state ramp on Middleboro
  Road in Freetown MA.
Paddle around Long
  Lake and return.
Can paddle
  into loop.
Estimated round trip
  distance = 7+ miles
  Town beach - resident
  stickers required
Captain Bub's Marine
  - boat rentals
No boating on
  reservoir ponds.
Long Pond Conservation

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Long Pond - in Freetown MA

Other resources:
Mass. Govt: Long Pond
Mass. Govt: Long Pond (cached copy)
Wild Turkey Paddlers: Long Pond Kayak Trip Report
Wikipedia: Long Lake in Lakeville MA
Captain Bub's Marine

Number of original photos on this page : 103
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

At the Long Pond town ramp on Middleboro Road in Freetown MA.
Trip date is August 2016.

Parking fee of $5 applies.

The ramp to Long Pond.

By the side of the boat ramp is where I am launching.

The Boston Kayaker just launched on Long Pond in Freetown MA.

Veering to my right, the busy town ramp.

Facing northwards, will paddle Long Pond counter-clockwise along the coast on my right.

Islands on the left half of the picture.

So many jet skis! So little time!

I am undecided how to go about this island, to the right or to the left?

Saw those rocks on the left, to the left of the island it is.

Just rounded the island now on my right.

Passed the island, will now get closer to the easter shore.

Following the eastern shore again on my right.

I can see people walking from the coast on the right to the island on the left half of the picture.

I can see a shallow land bridge connecting the island on the left (not in the picture) to the coast on the right.

Just hit this shallow land bridge.

Out of my kayak.

Back to my kayak. Looking to my left at the island.

On to my northwards paddle.

Now approaching the northeast corner of Long Pond.

Veering to my left to round off the northeast corner.

Now facing westwards and the short north shore on my right.

The canal that separates the island on the right.

Past the canal is the Long Pond Conservation Area where boaters are hanging out.

The Long Pond Conservation Area at the north end of Long Pond.

Center of picture is the northwest corner of Long Pond.

Will land for a short break.

Long Pond viewed from the northwest corner.

Back on the water. Now paddling southwards with the western shore on my right.

This pond is full of activities!

Not sure initially what to make out of this car when it went from the ramp into the water!

An amphibitious car on Long Pond.

Another cove to my right.

From here, I can see the blue portable toilet (not easily seen in the photo above) at the town ramp and will paddle straight ahead.

Now the blue portable toilet can be easily seen.

Landed. Paddle time is 2 hours and 40 minutes.