Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Lamoille River - from Jeffersonvile VT to Fairfax Falls VT

Unrated - The Boston Kayaker does not have enough information or time to make a rating.

  Put in at Route 108
  in Jeffersonville VT.
Take out at Goosepond Rd
  in Fairfax Falls VT.
Estimated distance
  = 9 miles
Rapids Fairfax Falls
  and Dam
Vermont Canoe
  and Kayak rentals

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Lamoille River - from Jeffersonvile VT to Fairfax Falls VT

Other resources:
USGS Lamoille River Gauge in Jeffersonville VT
Boyden Valley Winery
Umiak Outdoor Outfitters
Green River Canoe & Kayak Adventures
Fairfax Falls VT

Number of original photos on this page : 18
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

At the Route 108 bridge launch area in Jeffersonville VT.
Pictures taken July 2013.

The launch area is still open and used by workers to park their cars.

The launch to Lamoille River from Route 108 bridge in Jeffersonville VT.

Looking upstream on Lamoille River.

Looking downstream on Lamoille River. The new Route 108 bridge currently under construction.

A bit downstream, before the Route 15 bridge is the Vermont Canoe and Kayak outfitters.

The access to Lamoille River on the Route 15 bridge in Jeffersonville VT is private property.

On the beginning of Route 14 is the Boyden Winery in Cambridge VT.

Lamoille River viewed from Route 14 near Fairfax VT, looking upstream.

Lamoille River viewed from Route 14 near Fairfax VT, looking downstream.

At Fairfax Falls just above the dam/falls. Red buoys mark the dam.

The Goosepond Road bridge. Take out is on river left just after the bridge and some 50 feet before dam.

The takeout has this sign that can be seen from the river.

Fairfax Falls.