Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Kennebec River - from Fairfield ME to Shawmut ME

Rating: Two Stars - This is a family-friendly route. Shorelines mostly undeveloped. A portage of about 300+ feet required from the take out to the locked gates at the hydroelectric station. Paddle time was 1 hour 34 minutes.

  Put in at Hinckley ramp on
  Route 23 in Fairfield ME.
Take out before dam at Kennebec
  Street in Shawmut ME.
Estimated distance
  = 4.5 miles

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Kennebec River - from Fairfield ME to Shawmut ME

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Number of original photos on this page : 45
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

At the Hinckey launch on Route 23 in Fairfield ME.
Trip date is July 2022.

The boat ramp to Kennebec River on Route 23 in Fairfield ME.

The Boston Kayaker just launched on the Kennebec river from Route 23 in Fairfield ME.
On my left is the Route 23 bridge over the Kennebec.

Route 23 bridge in Fairfield ME.

Now looking to my right, the boat ramp viewed from the water.

Today's plan is to paddle south with the flow of the Kennebec and stay close to the right (west) bank.

Very pleasant weather. 70+ F.

On river rigght, the Martin Stream joins the Kennebec.

I can now see the Shawmut Dam infrastructure.

To tha right of the dam is the landing site.

Landing . . .

Paddle time is 1 hour 34 minutes.
Portage required from take out to the parking area.

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The Kennebec River from above the Shawmut Dam.

The road sign at the entrance to the Shawmut Dam hydrostation.
From here, turn left to launch above the dam.
Or turn right to launch below the dam.