Boston Kayaker

Kayaking on Blackstone River and Valley Falls Pond - in Central Falls RI

Rating: Two Stars - Blackstone is not if it was not this scenic hidden river amidst the bustling blue-collar Central Falls RI. The paddle upriver the Blackstone to Pratt Dam, combined with a venture to the Valley Falls Pond--where I saw about 10 swans--gave interesting variety to this route.

  Put in at Madeira Ave.
  in Central Falls RI.
Paddle upriver to Pratt
  Dam and return.
Paddle around
  Valley Falls Pond.
Estimated round trip
  distance = 5+ miles
Valley Falls
Blackstone Valley
  Outfitters rentals

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine the legality, suitability and safety of this route for yourself.

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Kayaking on Blackstone River and Valley Falls Pond - in Central Falls RI

Other resources:
National Park Service: Blackstone River Valley
Blackstone River and Canal Guide: Valley Falls to Pratt Dam Round Trip
Blackstone River and Canal Guide: Valley Falls to Pratt Dam Round Trip (cached copy)
Explore RI's Blueways and Greenways: Central Falls Landing
RI Canoe and Kayak Association
Blackstone Valley Outfitters
Blackstone Valley Explorer River Tours

Number of original photos on this page : 84
All photos in this website are original and copyrighted.

At the Central Falls launch into the Blackstone River.
Trip date is Septembe 2012.

Ready to launch at the ramp to Blackstone River.

Platform esplanade beside the ramp.

Just launched. To my right is the Route 114 bridge over the Blackstone River.
On the other side of that bridge is the Valley Falls dam. I can hear it.

Paddling west upriver.

To my left is the Valley Falls Pond and to my right is the Blackstone River main channel.

Continuing on the Blackstone main channel.

John Street bridge.

Route 122 bridge coming up next.

A tree trunk wedged under the Route 122 bridge.

Right after the Route 122 bridge, on the west bank, is the Blackstone Valley Outfitters.

Pratt Dam coming up.

This is as far as I can paddle.

The arches of Pratt Dam on the right.

I just turned around and now paddling downstream.

Tree trunk lodged under the Route 122 bridge.

John Street bridge.

Just turned right and entering Valley Falls Pond.

Back to the Blackstone River main channel.

Dragon boats on Blackstone River.

On the water for 1 hour 42 minutes.

Valley Falls Dam on the east side of the Route 114 bridge.